How to Host a Successful Webinar

About Presentation Design Pro

My name is Amy, and I am a freelance presentation designer, working in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. My passion is creating branded presentations that represent you as a trusted professional in your industry, strengthen your brand in the marketplace, and engage your audience with an elevated experience that will convert and make them remember you for all the right reasons.

Ready to get started? Book a free consultation with me today. I look forward to talking to you!

What is a Webinar?

A webinar is an interactive online seminar that allows participants from anywhere in the world to come together to learn about a topic, business, or product.

Webinars are a powerful and engaging marketing tool your business can use to acquire leads, convert customers, and boost sales. They allow you to connect and interact with your audience, offer insight into your services, and provide repurposable content for other business initiatives.

So now that you know what a webinar is, check out these tips and tricks that will show you some great ways to make sure your upcoming webinar is a success!

Why Should You Host a Webinar?

With webinars, you can reach your audience on their terms. Free educational webinars are a low-stakes commitment for people interested in your business, and allow them a sneak peek into what working with you is like. When you host a webinar, you can nurture your leads the way you want, while progressing them through the buyer’s journey.

Along with generating and nurturing leads, webinars can help increase your sales. Customers won’t consider purchasing your services until they feel they have enough information to make a decision. This means you have to provide a centralized place with information about your offer, business, and prices. Webinars provide a platform to demonstrate your products, show your results, and convert uneducated prospects into interested customers.

Webinars are an optimal place to share your expertise and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Webinars are the ideal time to build the ‘know, like, and trust’ factor with your audience, because you have their full attention. Use webinars to showcase your skills, and back your claims with results, to build that trust.

When you market a new product, you want to get as much attention as possible. A video webinar is a great way to achieve this because they usually engages your audience more than other mediums, like reading. Engaging with your audience, in real-time, by answering their questions, or gaining feedback, provides the information that matters most to your audience.

Webinars can serve your business for years after hosting them, especially if created as an evergreen video. You can repurpose your webinar as ‘how-to’ clips, an FAQ section on your website, or a product explanation for future buyers. Many business owners use clips to create gated freebies for the purpose of converting prospects. Webinars are one of the best low-cost mediums for creating a low-pressure offer for potential customers, while providing exceptional value.

How to Choose a Topic

As long as you have knowledge or information to share, you have viable topics for your webinar. Don’t feel restricted to covering just one or two subjects. You can expand on ideas throughout your webinar or split it up into different sections for repurposing content. Here are a few ideas to help you get started on your next successful webinar.

Ask Your Audience

Your audience and target markets will tell you exactly what they want to see. Consult your social media following and groups with posts and polls asking about content that interests them. Catering your webinar to your audience makes them feel heard and builds community, which improves your perception and increases sales. Research your competitors to see what their webinars are about. Finding popular or trending webinars gives you a general idea of what people are interested in watching.

Hot Industry Topics

There’s almost no shortage of hot-button topics in business. Use these topics to your advantage and craft a webinar breaking down the information, your opinions, industry implications, etc. In this type of webinar, you can show off your personality, expertise, and approach to the situation. These webinars tend to be shorter because there may not be a ton of content to cover, but they also retain audience attention and get your name out there.

New Services

A majority of your audience will be customers interested in your business, so it’s the perfect time to talk about your new offers and services. Provide offer details, pricing, testimonials, and other information your audience would find valuable. These webinars are great for practicing your pitching skills and be reused as content for your socials during the offer period. This way, you can draw in current customers and future viewers who didn’t get the chance to tune in live.

Tips for Success

Before you host a webinar, define what you want to accomplish. Is it a certain number of participants? Is it conversion rate or sales? Create the content for your webinar with this goal in mind. When you know what you want to achieve, it’s easier to structure and advertise your webinar.

Organized and branded slide decks are integral for successful webinars. It keeps your viewer’s attention on the screen, provides information, and promotes brand recognition. Visual cues help your audience retain the details in your webinar and differentiate your business.

Viewers watching your webinar are interested in your business, so use this opportunity to market your special offer at the end. This audience might be more willing to take up your special deal at the end because they perceive it as exclusive.

Engaging webinars require an interactive presentation. You can keep your viewer’s attention with polls, Q&A sessions, guest speakers, etc. Your webinar shouldn’t be you talking to your audience; it should be conversing with your audience. Active audience participation makes the webinar more applicable to their needs, which can help make your special offer more personalized.

Webinars are one of the most time- and cost-efficient methods of reaching your audience and sharing more about your business. These assets support the long-term success of your business and provide a great way to continue marketing your offers and services.

Every webinar needs a strong slide deck to engage your audience! While you focus on the logistics, let me take care of your slides. I design custom-branded webinar slide decks for all kinds of businesses. Book a consultation call today to get started!

About Presentation Design Pro

My name is Amy, and I am a freelance presentation designer, working in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. My passion is creating branded presentations that represent you as a trusted professional in your industry, strengthen your brand in the marketplace, and engage your audience with an elevated experience that will convert and make them remember you for all the right reasons.

Ready to get started? Book a free consultation with me today. I look forward to talking to you!